April 16, 2019

Alstone at 9th Vinyl India, Mumbai

Team Alstone took panel discussions over Wood Polymer Composite. New age products of Alstone were introduced to the industry patrons attending the event. Over 800 attendees were addressed for Wood Polymer composite sheets and its value-additions. Alstone thanks Reliance and Elite Plus teams for successfully completing Vinyl India on 16th April.

April 29-30, 2019

Alsone participated in the Building Conclave Exhibition in Qatar

Alstone’s presence was felt at the international exhibition. A high potential and successful event where major builders and members of the architectural fraternity visited Alstone. The company’s products found appreciation by many. Alstone WPC sheets, door and window frames, decorative and plain doors, floorings and PVC laminates were displayed at the event. Visitors were fascinated to see so many products being manufactured under one roof.

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