Chairman Introduces FOSG’s Newly Appointed CEO Mr Chhavi Sharma To Members
Enlightening presentations, thought-provoking panel discussions and enriching expert talks marked the event as members turned up in good number and actively participated in the proceedings.

Mr Singh apprised the members of the 19 management committee meetings conducted during the FY 2023-24. He emphasized on 230 members as of now of FOSG, and set a target to increase the count to 300 during 2024-25, coining the slogan “Ab Ki Baar 300 Paar”.

The chairman through his presentation briefed members on the various activities undertaken i.e. BIS standardisation cell formation, FOSG intervention with BIS to expedite the grant of licence to labs applied for testing, GGKF initiative for the training centre for Glass & Window installation at Delhi Technical University in Rohini, and similar training centre established at the Gold Plus office for up-skilling of workers.
He also apprised the members of a workshop successfully conducted by experts with joint efforts of FOSG, CCPS, UWDMA, Ozone and Gold Plus in which 35 workers were trained and given certificates for participation signed by FOSG and UWDMA. The members were informed about the successful imposition of antidumping duty on toughened glass w.e.f November 17, 2023, by engaging renowned advocates and with full support from float manufacturers. A FOSG team met with the chairman of Gold Plus and the incentive was enhanced from Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 per truck of material bought by them for all accredited members of FOSG from November 2023 onwards.
The chairman also informed the members of the initiation with relevant authorities regarding the unlawful imports of toughened glass from China.
Mr Chhavi Sharma introduced himself and thanked FOSG for the opportunity given to serve the organisation. This was followed by an introduction of the new FOSG members, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among the attendees. The members were informed that the FOSG was awarded for the best services and contribution to the glass industry in the Glass Bulletin Award 2023.
There were informative panel discussions and presentations by individual members of the organisation.
Panel Discussions were held on the following topics:
• Inventory sharing and pool purchase. Benefits, modalities, communications, information exchange and safeguards.
• Current processed glass market dynamics and its challenges.
• Common challenges, problems and issues related to coated glass processing.
• Co-branding issues and challenges. Can FOSG be built as a brand?
• Payment recovery, regular defaulters, dispute resolution with customers and suppliers, MSME helpline and arbitration by FOSG
The following presentations were by individual members:
• CEO’s thoughts on benefits to members (by Mr Chhavi Sharma)
• Digital marketing, steps taken so far and the future (by Mr Ali Kamil)
• Manufacturing and postmanufacturing costs. How to review, reduce and recover? (by Mr Sharanjit Singh)
• Glass & Glazing Knowledge Forum (GGKF) initiative for upskilling existing installers and training new ones to become certified installers.(by Mr. Ali Kamil)
• Best practices to work out the cost of production of tempered glass and DGU (by Mr Bikramjit Singh Kang)
• Method for calculating cutting waste (by Mr Sahil Singal)
• Collaborative partnership forming strategic partnerships with suppliers, distributors and industry stakeholders (by Mr P Ganesh)
• Future of Glass (by Mr A R Unnikrishnan)
• Sustainable future exploring environmental, social and governance (ESG) with best practices for India’s development (by Ms Harsha Ramnani, expert)
• Listing of companies under the MSME platform (Mr S Ramakrishna Iyengar, expert)
• Immmes water reputation for glass processors (by Mr Satish Samyani, APT)
The conclave witnessed to some of the best moments in the history of FOSG. The enthusiasm and immersive participation were overwhelming. The masters of ceremonies, Mr Ali Kamil, Mrs Alina and Mrs Manpreet Singh Kang, took the stage and kept the audience engaged with their energy and passion.

CEO, Federation of Safety Glass
Email: [email protected]
Secretary, Federation of Safety Glass
Email: [email protected]