glasstec 2018 presentation in Mumbai

Hype Builds Up As The Biggest Event Of The Glass Industry Nears

The industry gears up as glasstec – the biggest event of the glass industry – nears. The biennial event is all set to take place in Dusseldorf, Germany, on October 23-26.

Messe Dusseldorf is leaving no stone unturned to promote its flagship event glasstec across various countries and like every time, India and the glass industry here got a taste of it on April 6 when Messe organised a presentation on the upcoming event in Mumbai’s Waterstones Hotel. The presentation was a curtain raiser of glasstec 2018 and informed the guests about the highlights to be expected this year. The evening began with a welcome speech by Mr Thomas Schlitt, Managing Director, Messe Dusseldorf. Mr Schlitt welcomed the guests who had come from all over the country for the event and set the stage for a glorious time ahead. Soon Mrs Brigit Horn, Global Head, Glass technologies, Messe Dusseldorf GMBH, took the stage and gave a presentation on glasstec. Mrs Horn presented a factsheet on the event and highlighted how the event was again going to set new standards by being the biggest event of the industry. The facts are striking as well and laid proof to the fact why glasstec scales new heights every time. The last edition of glasstec held in 2016 saw a footfall of over 40,200 visitors from over 100 countries. A staggering 1235 exhibitors participated in the event 52 countries to showcase their products and new technologies and innovations. The event focussed on the future of glass performance. Major conferences were organised on the ruling issues and innovations of the industry. Thereafter, Mr Zimmerman of HEGLA took the stage to give a presentation on what all to expect from glasstec this year. He spoke at length on upcoming products and innovations that would be showcased this year. Following Mr Zimmerman’s presentation, a brief Q&A session was held, whereby the guests raised many queries that were clarified by the organisers. Then, a vote of thanks was given by Mr Schlitt. He thanked all guests for gracing the evening and invited everybody to Germany to participate in glasstec. This was followed by dinner and cocktails.

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