Exhibitors Provide Expert Know-How On Current Topics
The glasstec conference is the information hub for the international glass sector. It features a cross-cutting conference and pools themes from both theory and practice.

New in 2020: the contributions for the various sessions on glass production, processing and finishing technologies, products and applications now come care of the participating exhibitors as well as from science and research. The various themes are addressed daily, on all four days of the trade fair. The conceptual partners now form the joint jury assessing and selecting the most relevant and innovative talks. At www.glasstec-online.com/ callforpapers, exhibitors and non-profit science and research institutions can find detailed information as well as the terms of participation and submit their contributions by no later than 29 February 2020. Forming an integral part of the conference will be the trend themes of glasstec 2020. These reflect the five global challenges. Each conference day should address at least two of these five challenges. The central question reads: How can the glass industry contribute to mastering these global challenges. Here speakers will be given the opportunity to present their ideas and approaches.
The Challenges
– CO2 reductions in glass manufacturing and processing
– Legal provisions as innovation drivers through new Standards
– Reduced emissions by new manufacturing processes
New living and working concepts for a growing
– Connectivity assisted by novel glass developments
– Which glass products are needed by society for tomorrow’s mobility?
– Tomorrow’s skilled labour: availability, training and continuous education, health and safety at the workplace
– Alternative raw materials and circular economy
– Decarbonisation and alternative sources of energy
Value Added
– Rethinking added value: “From profit to planet to people”
– Profitability of investment
– Added value through new glass products
– Safety, comfort, health with glass
– Use of new glass products at work and at home, incl. functionality and comfort Also forming an integral part of the conference programme of glasstec 2020 are:
The technology conference function meets glass (Monday, 19/10/2020), dealing with the challenges and solutions for manufacturing and finishing as well as applications for functional glass. The International Architecture Congress (Wednesday, 21/10/2020), held for the first time in cooperation with DETAIL – das Magazin für Architektur + Baudetail – and the scientific conference engineered transparency (Thursday and Friday, 22 – 23/10/2020), discussing current developments and scientific research findings in structural glass engineering and in façade technology
Use of new glass products at work and at home, incl. functionality and comfort Also forming an integral part of the conference programme of glasstec 2020 are: The technology conference function meets glass (Monday, 19/10/2020), dealing with the challenges and solutions for manufacturing and finishing as well as applications for functional glass. The International Architecture Congress (Wednesday, 21/10/2020), held for the first time in cooperation with DETAIL – das Magazin für Architektur + Baudetail – and the scientific conference engineered transparency (Thursday and Friday, 22 – 23/10/2020), discussing current developments and scientific research findings in structural glass engineering and in façade technology
Website: www.glasstec.de, www.glasstec-online.com