CTIEC signs the general contract of float glass project with Bangladesh-based Nasir Group

On Dec. 2nd, CTIEC signed a general contract on the third float glass production line (600t/d) project construction with Bangladesh-based Nasir Group. Entrusted by PengShou, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,chiefengineer of China National Building Material Group Co.,Ltd., president of China National Building Material Co.,Ltd., and board chairman of China Triumph International Engineering Co.,Ltd. (CTIEC), He Wen,chiefeconomist of CTIEC signed the general contract online with Nasir,board chairman and president of Nasir Group.
Quite satisfied with the 18-year bilateral cooperation, Nasir Group,in the light of the strategic plan of making the cooperation bigger and stronger, was determined to enter into the immediate collaboration with CTIEC again for the construction of its third float glass production line.

Source: www.ctiec.net/english

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