Next glasstec to be held in line with its accustomed scheduling from 20 to 23 September 2022

The glasstec trade fair will not be held as planned due to the sustained pandemic and continued global lockdown measures as well as international travel restrictions. In close coordination with associations and partners Messe Düsseldorf has decided to cancel glasstec scheduled from 15 to 18 June 2021, which had already been postponed from 2020 to 2021. The next glasstec will be held in line with its accustomed scheduling from 20 to 23 September 2022.
Commenting on this Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf, said that holding the event successfully on the planned dates in June could still not be guaranteed under the given circumstances: „As of March 3 the German Federal-State Conference has decided to further extend the nationwide lockdown. Based on this decision and due to the current level of infection rates and the associated international lockdown restrictions we cannot guarantee holding the event in the accustomed format and quality. Especially as a result of the travel restrictions, glasstec with its high percentage of international exhibitors and visitors would not be able to live up to its standing as the world’s leading trade fair for the glass industry. We have re-assessed the situation with our partners and jointly opted in favour of cancelling glasstec in June early on. The planning certainty of our exhibitors, visitors and service providers is our highest priority. All activities will now centre on the successful holding of glasstec 2022.”
“glasstec has been and still is the most relevant global event for the glass industry, machinery producers and skilled crafts, and it brings together people from all over the world. A glasstec held in 2021 can, unfortunately, not fulfil this expectation. Business has already started to pick up for the glass sector and will make glasstec an international festival for the glass industry again next year,” says Egbert Wenninger, Chairman of the glasstec Advisory Board and Chairman of VDMA’s Glass Technology Forum.
For 2022 organisers are additionally working on a hybrid trade fair experience with a view to also allowing digital participation in conferences and Special Shows such as glass technology live. glasstec 2022 will open its registration portal for interested companies in June of this year. The glasstec team is available to answer any questions from all exhibitors, visitors and media. For current information revolving around the leading international trade fair for the glass industry go to
At the same time, Messe Düsseldorf partner Reed Exhibitions is also cancelling the leading European trade show for the promotional product industry PSI which was planned for May.

Press office
Daniel Krauß
Tel.: +49 211 4560 598