Alstone is a market leader of Metal Composite Panels, constantly on the lookout for industry innovation and challenges.
The trip was full of adventures and activities to experience, the time spent outside of work was equally enjoyable that further strengthened the professional bonds. The trip continued for four days where in channel partners engaged in sharing and learning on good business practices and discussions on better business prospects in cladding industry along with fun and frolic.
Mr. Sumit Gupta also said “Channel Partner’s consistent hardwork & dedication has played a pivotal role in establishing Alstone as a trusted brand & made a significant impact. We want to express our sincere appreciation for the partnership we have developed. We value your commitment towards Alstone. We firmly believe that great partnerships are built on trust, shared values, and a shared vision.”
Furthermore, National Sales Head Mr. Pankaj Malhotra presented the highlights of FY 22-23 and strategic way forward on how ALSTONE is going to revolutionize the cladding market with innovative products and better customer and consumer connect along with marketing activities as well as plans for FY 23-24.
Channel partners also shared their point of views on various aspects of business and future prospects.
Four day gala extravaganza ended with lot of new action plans to take Alstone, its channel partners and cladding industry to newer heights and serve consumers better along with everlasting memories during the excursion.
Alstone- a two decades old renowned brand trusted by architects, builder, façade consultant and fabricators. Alstone has wide range of products like Alstone Zinc powered by VMZINC France, Alstone Alcomb, Alstone Antiq, Alstone Stonera, Alstone Louvers, Alstone HPL, Alstone FR (ACP) and Alstone Fuel Pro.
ALSTONE’s impeccable quality, innovative products, consumer and influencer trust makes it a true leader in the cladding industry.