Sisecam Ignited Its New Automotive Glass Furnace in Luleburgaz

September 22, 2023 Latest Updates0

Sisecam, the only global company operating in all core areas of glass, is moving forward with its investments at full speed to support its continuous growth. Responding to intensifying global competition and the growing need for automotive glass, Sisecam completed a new automotive glass line worth about TRY 4 billion (USD 190 Million) with additional capital investments at its production site in Luleburgaz.

Sisecam is pursuing continuous growth with the aim of creating sustainable value for all its stakeholders. Toward this end, Sisecam opened a new automotive glass line worth about TRY 4 billion (USD 190 Million) with additional capital investments at its facility in Luleburgaz, Kirklareli. The new line will operate at an annual capacity of 200,000 tones and create an additional 114 jobs.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kirman, Sisecam’s Chairman and Executive Member of the Board commented on Sisecam’s investment in the field of automotive raw glass: “In 2021, we had announced our decision to invest in a flat glass line in Luleburgaz because of the increasing global competition and the growing demand for automotive glass reaching significant levels in Turkey. Now, we are proudly bringing it to life. The new line will feature high efficiency production with a net width of 4.88 meters, well above the industry standards. Thanks to this investment, Sisecam’s float lines, which currently produce automotive glass, will be devoted entirely to architectural glass by expanding their capacity and boosting their efficiency.”

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kirman continued by stating that a significant portion of thin and ultra-thin clear colorless and colored float glass needs of Sisecam’s automotive glass production facilities will be met by the new float line.  “In addition to this investment, construction is underway at Sisecam’s TR9 float line in Tarsus – one of the world’s top five largest capacity flat glass investments. The cold repair and capacity expansion of the TR1 float line in Luleburgaz is also ongoing. Once these two investments are completed, Sisecam’s total float production capacity in Türkiye will increase by 30% and reach 2.6 million tons.” Prof. Kirman said.

Sisecam’s first state-of-the-art float facility starts production in Lüleburgaz

Sisecam’s Lüleburgaz facility was the first production facility equipped with advanced float technology in Eastern Europe, the Balkan region, Middle East, and North Africa. The facility has been operating since 1981. Two furnaces operate at the facility to produce flat glass, mirrors, and automotive glass. Today, Sisecam produces automotive glass in Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Bulgaria, and Romania.

About Sisecam

Sisecam was founded in 1935 to establish Türkiye’s glass industry in line with the vision of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, a great leader respected worldwide. Today, Sisecam is a major global player in the fields of glass and chemicals. Sisecam is the only global company operating in all core areas of glass production – including flat glass, glassware, glass packaging, and glass fiber. Currently, Sisecam ranks among the world’s top two manufacturers of glassware and the top five producers of glass packaging and flat glass. Sisecam is one of the three largest soda ash producers in the world and the world leader in chromium chemicals.

Sisecam plays a leading role in the flat glass, glassware, glass packaging, chemicals, automotive, glass fiber, mining, energy, and recycling business lines. Sisecam operates production facilities in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt, India, and the USA in addition to Turkey.

Sisecam is taking major steps towards its goal of becoming one of the world’s top three manufacturers in its main fields of activity. Driven forward by its highly competent human resources and smart technologies, Sisecam is continuously transforming its digital infrastructure and corporate culture taking into account the needs of the future. With 88 years of experience and more than 24,000 employees, Sisecam conducts production activities in 14 countries on four continents and operates a sales network in more than 150 countries worldwide. Sisecam is moving forward on its growth journey in line with its Global Excellence strategy and powered by an inclusive approach that supports the development of its entire ecosystem. Sisecam takes responsibility for protecting the planet, empowering society, and transforming life with its CareForNext strategy, which is compliant with and centered around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Sisecam uses all its experience and competencies to promote sustainable development in every aspect.