Pro-ClearShield® Roshnak Systems in Perfect Glasspro ‘23 Show!

September 23, 2023 Latest Updates0

Roshnak Systems, Ritec International’s Marketing Partner in India, had an amazing time in Mumbai where glasspro INDIA 23 – the international exhibition for flat glass processing products and accessories – was held. Not only did they have an exceptionally busy show generating many high-quality leads, the company’s director, Mrs Ujwala Bhagwat, won the prestigious ‘Pathbreaking Women in the Glass Industry’ award.

This was awarded for her company’s contribution to the Indian glass industry, namely the launch of Ritec’s ClearShield® ‘non-stick’, easy-clean glass in the country almost exactly 13 years ago to the day and its successes enjoyed in that time. It is the third Glass Bulletin Award won by Roshnak in five years, following two wins for Best Innovation / New Product Award in 2018 and 2019.

Since 2010 Roshnak Systems has gone from strength to strength on three fronts:

  1. Introduce a unique on-site glass renovation and protection service with the ClearShield Eco-System® to upgrade existing glass to higher performance ‘non-stick’, easy-clean ClearShield Eco-Glass®;
  2. Provide glass processors nationwide an additional revenue stream by supplying them with ClearShield® glass surface treatment so they can apply in their own premises or on-site for their clients on all kinds of interior and exterior glass; and
  3. Spearhead the ‘’Non-Stick’ Glass Revolution’ with the ClearShield Eco-System® to educate the industry that heavily stained glass can be renovated instead of being replaced for a more sustainable and greener future as well as saving time and money on top of the lower-maintenance benefits. This initiative also created awareness and demand for ‘non-stick’ glass surface protection across all market sectors in the glass industry.

From all at Ritec International, congratulations to Ujwala and her team for this truly fantastic achievement and best wishes for continued success!