Cugher Glass showcases cutting-edge technology at China Glass

August 26, 2024 Events0

Cugher and Kunal Enterprise Garner Attention With Innovative Vision Systems

At the China Glass Exhibition 2024, Kunal Enterprise, in collaboration with Cugher Glass, actively engaged with industry professionals, building new partnerships and strengthening existing collaborations.

China Glass provided an ideal platform for attendees to explore Cugher Glass’s innovative solutions and discuss customized options tailored to specific needs, designed to enhance efficiency, precision, and versatility in glass manufacturing processes.

Cugher Glass showcases cutting-edge technology at China Glass
With a focus on innovation, quality, and sustainability, Cugher Glass continues its research and development by adapting to the evolving glass industry. Renowned for its commitment to the latest technological advancements in glass solutions, the company brings decades of expertise to the production of handling and customized printing machines. As its partner in India, Kunal Enterprise brings Cugher’s products to the country
The Cugher Vision system attracted significant attention and inquiries during the exhibition.

Cugher Glass showcases cutting-edge technology at China Glass

Automatic Glass Quality Inspection Vision System
This system, typically installed downstream of the washing machine, scans the entire glass surface and detects any defects present on raw glass, such as scratches, breakages, air bubbles, chips, contaminations, water drops, and wet edges.
The system inspects raw glass or cut and ground glass through a specifically designed optics technology that uses an alternate light source pattern, capable of detecting any type of glass defect, even the lighter ones. During the setup phase, the quality manager defines the desired level of sensitivity for every type of defect.
Moreover, different sensitivity areas can be defined across the glass surface to set a higher sensitivity in the centre rather than close to the edges.

Automatic Print Quality Vision System
Installed immediately after the printing machine, this system recognizes any “slavering” or “widening” of the design details due to an excess of ink from the screen. The inspection can detect faded-out dots, pinholes, or missing parts of the design and alerts the operator to verify the possible cause.
All areas of the glass are checked and compared with the allowed tolerances specified in the glass inspection recipe, which is created “una tantum.” Different sensitivity areas can be defined across the glass surface to allow higher control, for instance, on logos and barcodes.
The advantages of this innovative system include the ability to verify print quality by tracking defects on images and automatically correcting frame position errors without stopping the conveyor.
Overall, the response at the exhibition was positive, indicating that the Indian glass industry is shifting from economical to premium glass printers.
Supported by Kunal Enterprise, Cugher Glass remains at the forefront of this evolution, providing cutting-edge technology that meets the industry’s growing demands for quality and precision.
