Yesho Tuff issues detailed SOP in view of COVID-19

Mandates Social Distancing, Sanitisation And Contactless Transaction At All Times

These are unprecedented times and there is a need to equip ourselves with the tools and procedures that can help us stay safe while conducting important business activities.

At Yesho Tuff, important measures have been taken and strict guidelines followed to ensure that products are absolutely safe to use and customers have one less thing to worry about during these troubling times brought about by the coronavirus outbreak. The company management has issued a detailed SOP (standard operating procedure) for all processes. All Yesho Tuff products are handled with disposable gloves to ensure minimum-contact deliveries. The company premises are disinfected every 48 hours with ICMR-approved disinfectants. All high contact surfaces on premises are cleaned with sanitizerbased solutions four times a day. Delivery vehicles are disinfected without fail before loading of material to ensure safety of customers and employees alike. Staff members are scanned for any COVID-19 symptoms every single day before entering premises and it is ensured that they wear masks and gloves, and wash their hands with soap or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer at regular intervals. Drivers conducting deliveries wear masks and gloves all the time and carry sanitizers in their vehicles. They strictly maintain social distancing norms during deliveries. They undergo thermal screening as well during entry and exit. They have to sanitize their hands and are prohibited from moving around after docking their vehicles. All drivers have to wait at the designated area only and must always wear masks and gloves. Soap water or disinfectants are given to them to clean their vehicles. They are provided drinking water. Visitors have to sign a declaration form at the main gate before entr y. They undergo thermal scanning and have to sanitize their hands. They have to bring masks and park their vehicles outside the premises. If any person does not have a mask, he/she is not allowed entry. Dispatch in-charges must check and confirm that the drivers have cleaned their vehicles with disinfectants and followed all safety norms. Dispatch staff have to drop papers and documents in the designated drop box and not enter the office. While transferring papers to driver, the dispatch department has to drop it at the designated table at security. All factory staff are to maintain social distancing and wear masks while at work or queuing up to log in. Same have to be maintained while exiting. Their body temperatures are checked regularly in the morning, lunch and evening hour. Staff members have been instructed to head straight to their designated areas only after entering the premises. The security team has been instructed to check for masks and sanitise staff members at the main gate.

For receiving payments, two boxes have been designated at dispatch in which cash is moved to the accounts department. The boxes are to be used alternately. House keepers have been asked to clean handles of doors connected to factory from office, cabin doors, kitchen and canteen doors, store room window, refrigerator handles and taps four times a day. There will be a daily discussion and review on the infection status. Factory staffs have been requested to reduce outside visits at this time. No crowding is allowed at any place. Conforming to social distancing have been made mandatory on the factory premises at all times. All departments have been asked to use the intercom for communication and avoid physical visits. If it is absolutely required, department personnel will meet but maintain a three-foot distance. Staff members have been advised to avoid eating lunch outside for 1-2 months. It they insist on going, they are be subjected to thermal screening on re-entry. Masks and gloves are mandatory for the security team as well. Three washable masks will be issued to all staff members.

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