FOSG 8th Annual Processors Conclave concluded in Goa

June 19, 2018 Events0

The Federation of Safety Glass (FOSG) recently organized its eighth Annual Processors Conclave on February 26 at the Bogmallo Resort Beach, in Goa.

This year’s FOSG conclave saw record number of guests and experts of international repute gracing the event. The presence of a record number of members was a highlight of the event. Sponsors for the conclave included Asahi India Glass, Lisec, Eastman, Dow Corning and Creatif Technologies. The event kicked off with a presentation given by FOSG chairman Mr. Gurmeet Singh reflecting on the year gone by. Mr Singh expressed his pleasure in announcing that 29 new processors had joined the federation in the past year, which was recorded the highest in any year. Mr. Singh mentioned that more and more processors were joining the FOSG as it was proving to be the right platform to discuss and address the problems faced by the industry. The federation was constantly working to redress these issues, he mentioned. He added that the membership fees were also reduced so that more processors find it easier to become a part of the federation. This year’s conclave saw a landmark step being initiated by the FOSG. The federation this time launched an app for its members. The app would prove to be an ideal platform for interaction and discourse. It would be exclusive for the members of the federation. This was followed by short presentation and demonstrations by the sponsors. They put all out efforts to educate and familiarize the audience with their new products and innovations. This year saw a major shift in the stance of the federation, it welcomed the next generation of glass processors. The events of the day were anchored by Mr. Ali Kamil of Kaenat Glass and Ms. Varsha Konidala of Balaji Building Technologies Pvt Ltd. There was a hint in this move that the processors were grooming their younger generations and encouraging them to surge ahead,and that the federation as a whole was also in agreement. The conclave moments were probably the best moments in the history of FOSG. The enthusiasm, the record breaking attendance and never seen before immersive participation by all was quite overwhelming. We thank all those who made it to the grand event and also to those who could not – your support anyway was felt in your absence too. We thank all the sponsors Asahi India Glass, Lisec/APT, Dow Corning, Eastman and Creatif Technologies for their support to make this event a grand success and look forward to a bigger and even better conclave next year. Glass Bulletin reiterates its support to the FOSG in all matters to the best of its capabilities. GB considers the federation an important part of the industry that is vital to the growth and development of the business in India. GB pledges its support to the federation and promises to be by its side as the industry progresses and we achieve greater heights.

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